UX and SEO Best Practices
To have a great website (especially mobile), you will need to mix some UX and SEO best practices together to ensure optimal results. Let me start by explaining UX, then SEO. But, since you may...
Use the Website Strategy Pyramid to Plan Your Website
The website strategy pyramid allows you to ask the right questions to develop an effective website that produces tangible results. Start with the results you want the website to produce for your organization. Then answer...
5 Barriers to Building a Successful Business Website
You have been tasked with building a new business website for your company. Either you are a business owner with this project on your “must do” list or you have been volunteered by your boss...
Why Do I Need a Website Anyway?
Don’t put up a website just to have one. You need a real business reason, or why spend the money? A website should be designed to help you reach your business goals. If you have...