You arrive at a website searching for a solution. You scan their website to see if they can help. You get confused. You look a little deeper… still nothing. Maybe you can figure out what they do, but where are they located? You finally hit the back button and go onto your next website.
It is a real shame that a website can actually attract visitors, only to lose them because their message is not clear. Here are 5 examples of websites that confuse or drive visitors away.
Local Plumber Website
You are searching for a plumber to fix your clogged drains and you come across G&W Plumbing. Where are they located? What do they do? You go to the About Us page and you find that they are in Florida? That’s a big area for what looks like a one person company.
William Glen & Son
You arrive to the website with a spinning carousel graphic in the center without any reference to what they do or where they do it. It turns out they export Scottish clothing to the United States and Canada. The spinning graphic is enough to make your head spin and you just want to flee the website.
Sixties press
This has to win an award for the most obnoxious sites on the web. I looked around their site and I couldn’t figure out what they do.
Flo-Go Systems
Here is a mystery website. Flow-Go… Is it a plumbing fixture or drainage product? They actually produce electronic displays including directional signs.
Massage Therapy Website
Not a great looking site. But more important, where are they located? This is another example of a local business that forgets to put their address, office hours and driving directions on their website.