10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

Digital Marketing Strategy

Get all the pieces you need to have a complete digital marketing strategy
saving you time and resources while creating a consistent brand message
across all touchpoints, ultimately leading to increased visibility,
engagement, and conversions for your business.

What is it?

A Full-board digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that includes utilizing your website, SEO, content, social media, and hosting and maintenance in order to create a holistic approach to your online presence. By incorporating these core components all at once, you’ll have all cylinders firing together in a unified digital growth engine to effectively reach your audience and drive sustainable success.

Make the First Move

Who is this for?

This is for you if you have a business and:

  • No increase in traffic for 3+ months
  • Want to generate leads
  • No current strategy
  • Want to raise brand awareness
  • No digital marketing partner you trust
  • Want to increase sales

If this is you, it is time to consider your holistic digital marketing strategy.

What is it?

A Full-board digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that includes utilizing your website, SEO, content,
social media, and hosting and maintenance in order to create a holistic approach to your online presence. By
incorporating these core components all at once, you’ll have all cylinders firing together in a unified digital growth
engine to effectively reach your audience and drive sustainable success,



Your website is where every element of your online presence connects and leads back to. We create a custom, responsive site that not only looks great but also provides an excellent user experience across all devices. This foundation is crucial as it supports all other digital marketing efforts, from SEO to content marketing and conversion optimization.



SEO ensures your website is visible to potential customers when they search for your products or services. We optimize your site’s structure, content, and backend to improve rankings. This work complements your content strategy and drives organic traffic, reducing reliance on paid advertising.



Quality content is the fuel for your digital marketing engine. We produce valuable, relevant content that attracts and engages your target audience. This content supports SEO efforts, provides material for social media, and helps convert visitors into customers

Social Media

Social Media

Social platforms are where your audience spends time. We manage your profiles, create engaging content, and foster community interaction. This amplifies your brand voice, supports content distribution, and drives traffic back to your optimized website.



Reliable hosting and regular maintenance ensure your website is always available and performing optimally. This supports all other digital marketing efforts by providing a stable, secure platform. It also contributes to better SEO performance and user experience

Full-Board Strategy Starting at $999/month

Make the First Move

What's Included


Your website is where every element of your online presence connects and leads back to. We create a custom, responsive site that looks great and provides an excellent user experience across all devices. This foundation is critical as it supports all other digital marketing efforts, from SEO to content marketing and conversion optimization.

  • Current Website Analysis and Review
  • Revamped or Newly Designed Website
  • Full Website Design and Development Process
  • Complimentary New Business Card Design (if desired)
  • Branding Guidelines Portfolio


SEO ensures your website is visible to potential customers when they search for your products or services. We optimize your site’s structure, content, and backend to improve rankings. This work complements your content strategy and drives organic traffic, reducing reliance on paid advertising.

  • Website Performance Analysis
  • Competitor Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Page Optimization
  • On-page, Off-page, Technical, and Local SEO
  • Monthly and Quarterly Reports


Quality content is the fuel for your digital marketing engine. We produce valuable, relevant content that attracts and engages your target audience. This content supports SEO efforts, provides material for social media, and helps convert visitors into customers.

  • Revamped or Newly Written Website Pages
  • Regular Monthly Blogging (writing, editing, optimizing, posting)
  • Infographics as applicable

Social Media

Social platforms are where your audience spends time. We manage your profiles, create engaging content, and foster community interaction. This amplifies your brand voice, supports content distribution, and drives traffic to your optimized website.

  • Platform Profile Revamp or Creation
  • Social Media Calendar
  • Regular Weekly Posting (caption, visual, hashtag)
  • Regular Follower Engagement
  • Monthly and Quarterly Reports


Reliable hosting and regular maintenance ensure your website is always available and performing optimally. This supports all other digital marketing efforts by providing a stable, secure platform. It also contributes to better SEO performance and user experience.

  • Website Migration/Transfer
  • Daytime and Evening Support
  • Secured Site and Server
  • Weekly Theme and Plugin Updates
  • Monthly Hour of Complimentary Small Edits as Needed
  • 24/7 Security and Uptime Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1 How long do I need to do a full board digital marketing strategy?

    Your Full-Board digital marketing strategy requires a 12-month commitment to see significant results. This timeframe allows for proper implementation, optimization, and evaluation of various marketing initiatives across different channels. During this period, we can establish a strong online presence, build brand awareness, and create a sustainable flow of leads and conversions. It’s important to understand that digital marketing is not a quick fix but a long-term investment in your business’s growth and success. The 12-month period gives your strategy enough time to gain traction, adapt to market responses, and demonstrate measurable outcomes.

  • 2 What is included in a full board digital marketing strategy?

    Our full board digital marketing strategy includes a comprehensive suite of services designed to boost your online presence and drive business growth. This typically encompasses:

    • Website redesign: Creating a modern, user-friendly site optimized for conversions and mobile responsiveness.
    • Ongoing SEO: Implementing and continuously refining strategies to improve your search engine rankings.
    • Social media management: Developing and executing a social media plan to boost engagement and brand awareness across relevant platforms.
    • Hosting and maintenance: Ensuring your website runs smoothly, securely, and stays up-to-date with the latest technologies.
    • Regular content creation: Producing high-quality blogs, articles, or other content types to drive traffic, establish authority, and support SEO efforts.
      Performance tracking and reporting: Providing regular insights into your campaign’s performance and ROI.
  • 3 What happens after 12 months?

    After the initial 12-month period, we conduct a comprehensive review of the results achieved and discuss the next steps with you. Based on the outcomes and your evolving business goals, we may recommend continuing with the current strategy, making adjustments, or implementing new approaches. This could involve scaling successful tactics, exploring new digital channels, or refining target audiences. You have the flexibility to continue with our services or opt out, but most clients choose to build on the momentum gained. Our goal is to ensure that your digital marketing efforts continue to align with your business objectives and deliver increasing value over time.

  • 4 What's different about doing each service separately vs. as a full strategy?

    Implementing a full strategy offers several significant advantages over piecemeal approaches:

    • Cost-effectiveness: Bundled services often come at a lower overall cost than purchasing each separately, providing better value for your marketing budget.
    • Time efficiency: A coordinated strategy saves time by aligning all efforts towards common goals, reducing redundancies and streamlining processes.
    • Enhanced effectiveness: Different elements of digital marketing work synergistically, amplifying results when implemented together. For example, SEO efforts complement content marketing, while social media can boost the reach of your content.
    • Cohesive brand message: A full strategy ensures consistency across all digital touchpoints, strengthening your brand identity and message.
    • Comprehensive data insights: By managing all aspects of your digital presence, we can provide more holistic and actionable insights into your marketing performance.
    • Adaptability: A full strategy allows for quicker pivots and adjustments across all channels when market conditions or business needs change.
  • 5 What does "starting at $3,499" mean?

    The $999 starting point represents the base investment to begin transforming your digital presence. This entry-level package is designed to kickstart your digital marketing efforts and provide essential services. However, the actual cost may vary depending on several factors:

    • Website size and complexity: Larger or more complex websites may require additional resources.
    • Specific business objectives: More ambitious goals might necessitate a more intensive strategy.
    • Industry competitiveness: Highly competitive industries may require more aggressive marketing efforts.
    • Scope of work: Additional services or more frequent content creation can affect the overall cost.
    • Geographic targeting: Local vs. national or international campaigns may have different requirements.

    We tailor our services to meet your unique needs, which may necessitate additional resources or time. During our initial consultation, we’ll discuss your specific situation, analyze your current digital presence, and provide a customized quote that aligns with your business goals and budget. The $3,499 figure ensures transparency in our pricing structure and provides a starting point for our discussions.

  • 6 Are there any other fees?

    There is an $800 setup fee associated with our digital marketing services. This fee is essential as it covers the preliminary work required to launch a successful campaign tailored to your specific needs. Let’s break down what this setup fee encompasses:

    • Comprehensive Analysis: We conduct thorough market research, competitor analysis, and an in-depth review of your current digital presence. This allows us to identify opportunities, challenges, and areas for improvement.
    • Strategy Development: Based on our findings, we craft a customized digital marketing strategy aligned with your business goals and target audience.
    • Tool Configuration: We set up and configure various digital marketing tools and platforms necessary for your campaign. This includes analytics software, social media management tools, email marketing platforms, and more.
    • Account and Tool Setup: We create and optimize accounts on relevant platforms such as Google Analytics, social media channels, and other marketing tools and networks as needed.
    • Tracking Implementation: We install and configure tracking mechanisms to monitor the performance of your digital marketing efforts accurately.
    • Team Meetings: We schedule and conduct meetings with you and your team to discuss goals, expectations, and strategies. This ensures everyone is on the same page and allows us to incorporate your valuable insights into the plan.
    • Initial Content Planning: We begin mapping out a content strategy, including potential topics, formats, and distribution channels.

    By investing in this setup fee, you’re ensuring that all these critical elements are carefully planned and executed. This lays a solid foundation for your digital marketing efforts, setting the stage for long-term success and measurable results. The attention to detail in this initial phase helps us avoid potential pitfalls, streamline our processes, and create a more efficient and effective marketing strategy tailored to your unique business needs.

  • 7 How involved do I have to be?

    While we handle the heavy lifting and day-to-day execution, your input and collaboration are essential to ensure that our efforts truly represent your brand and meet your business objectives. The level of involvement can be adjusted based on your preferences and availability, but generally, a few hours per month is sufficient for most businesses. Typically, your involvement would include:

    • Confirming target keywords and audience segments to ensure we’re focusing on the right areas.
    • Approving content and marketing materials to maintain brand consistency and accuracy.
    • Providing industry insights and company information to inform our strategies and content creation.
    • Participating in regular strategy meetings to discuss progress and adjust plans as needed.
    • Reviewing performance reports and providing feedback to help refine our approach.
    • Sharing business updates or new offerings that could impact our marketing efforts.
    • Collaborating on setting realistic goals and KPIs for your campaigns.
Alexa Soldo, Marketing Natural High

I’ve been working with Techna and Doug for 6+ years now. I’ve changed organizations and made sure I brought this team with me on my new projects. I appreciate the complete service we get from them – anything and everything digital marketing from blogs to very technical things like an API.The team finds solutions to all of my digital needs.

Jade Baldwin, Marketing SportsCare Physical Therapy

I have been working closely with DaBina at Techna Digital for sometime now. I appreciate her attention to detail and dedication to improving our website. DaBina leads her team well: delegating, communicating progress, and following up to ensure timely results are delivered. I would highly recommend DaBina at Techna Digital for ALL your Digital Marketing needs.

Ken Slosarik, President El Gato Painting

The Techna Digital team is the most professional that I have experienced for Digital Marketing. The ease and production of websites and marketing in a continually changing field is excellent. I have wasted money on websites with many marketing companies that do not know what they are doing. I love how Techna Digital monitors our progress and keeps me posted.

Full-Board Strategy Starting at $999/month

Make the First Move

6 Reasons Why You Need It

Comprehensive approach

Unlike piecemeal tactics, a full board strategy ensures all aspects of digital marketing work together cohesively, maximizing overall impact and efficiency.

Expertise and guidance

Gain access to a team of experts with in-depth knowledge of digital marketing who provide tailored guidance to drive growth for your business.

Data-driven decision making

A full strategy includes robust analytics and reporting, allowing for informed decisions and continuous optimization based on real performance data.

Competitive advantage

In crowded markets, a comprehensive strategy can set a business apart, helping to establish thought leadership and a strong brand presence.

Long-term vision

The 12-month commitment allows for sustainable growth rather than short-term gains, building a strong foundation for future success.

Focus on core business

With experts handling the digital marketing, you can focus on other important aspects of running and growing your company.

What Are the Steps to Get Started?

When you are ready to apply this holistic approach to your brand, it's as simple as 1, 2, 3.

  • You Make The First Move.

    Contact us to let us know that you are ready to take your digital marketing to the next level with a digital marketing company that exists for you.

  • We Understand Each Other

    We set up a meeting and discuss what you would like to achieve and how Techna can help get you there. Our team runs a complimentary analysis where we review your website and see how it is currently performing in terms of your goals, competitors, and other critical areas that are important to both you and the search engines.

  • Your Plan is Made.

    Our team will focus on integrating our research into all key areas of your online presence. This includes developing your website, optimizing it for search engines (SEO), crafting compelling content, managing your social media channels, and ensuring reliable hosting solutions. Each component will be aligned to work seamlessly together, enhancing your brand’s visibility.