How Fast You Do Link Building Affects Your SEO Results
In search engine optimization, off page factors such as link building are even more important than the SEO you do on your website. Link building is not just the quality and quantity of links that...
Backlink Analysis Tools That I Like To Use
Being able to analyze and understand the backlink profile of a site and its competitors is a key step in optimizing a website. This is a collection of tools that makes this analysis easier to...
Meta Description Tags: Best Practices for SEO
Meta Description tags are not about SEO directly, but their message will attract guests to your website. Description tags are used as the description in Google search results; so make them compelling. They should be...
80 Percent Rule for Determining Your Local Sales Area
In designing a SEO campaign, one of the first questions to ask is where do we want to market to? Do you market your products locally, regionally, nationally or internationally? This affects how you select...
Prune Your Website Now For Vigorous Growth Later
Has your website become stale? Are fewer visitors coming and the ones that do come leave right away? Maybe it is time to make your website fresh again. Prune away the dead, obsolete content. Remove...
SEO Comes Down to Keywords and Backlinks
There are many technical aspects to Search engine optimization (SEO). Too many people get caught up in the detail. In SEO there are only two things to focus on: keywords and backlinks. Everything else is...