10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

SEO Strategies

Nov 6, 2018
Phillip Salinas

What Are The Tried And Tested SEO Keyword Research Tools

A successful content strategy begins with keyword research. It will guide your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns, shape your content, and help you rank in search for the terms you actually need for your business...

Jul 11, 2018
Phillip Salinas

Google My Business as Local SEO Strategy

Google itself is advising businesses to use Google My Business as a way to improve their local rankings on their search engine results page (SERP). Google My Business offers any business a free listing on...

Feb 14, 2015
Phillip Salinas

What are the Best Keywords for Your Local Search Engine Optimization?

Choosing the right keywords is the first and most important step in local search engine optimization for your business website.   You don’t needs hundreds or even dozens of keywords.  Generally there will be 3-5 keywords...

Feb 15, 2014
Phillip Salinas

Google Webmaster Tools Allows You to Track 8 Key Metrics on Your Website

Google Webmaster Tools gives you valuable measurements on the SEO health of your website. It shows what is working well and provides tools that will uncover the sources of a problem. If you are not...

Apr 6, 2013
Phillip Salinas

Google Declares War on SEO

Back in the “olden days”… like ten years ago, SEO was a much defined and almost mechanical process. You did your keyword research and picked your phrases. In 2003, you would select a very narrow...

Feb 24, 2013
Phillip Salinas

Faster Better Smarter Keywords That Really Attract Visitors

When people search on the web, they often qualify their general keywords to improve their search results. If people search for a home loan, they may search for ”best home loans”, “quick home loans” or...

Feb 17, 2013
Phillip Salinas

The Kona Coffee Method of Attracting Customers

I just returned from a terrific vacation from the Big Island of Hawaii. It is here in the Kona area, downwind of a continuously erupting volcano that Kona coffee is grown. The growing conditions are...

Oct 14, 2012
Phillip Salinas

SEO Blogging: Use Blog postings to Create a SEO Internal Link Structure

SEO Blogging is a blogging technique where you link to other pages of your website using keyword anchor text in internal links. An internal link is a link that points to another page within the...

Sep 22, 2012
Phillip Salinas

How to Create SEO Content that Search Engines Love

Gone are the days where a small business can afford to have an unchanging 5 page website. Google has been shifting its algorithm to favor websites that continually put up new and fresh SEO content....

Sep 16, 2012
Phillip Salinas

7 Common SEO Mistakes That Happen During a Website Redesign

Is it time to freshen up the look and feel of your website? Is your old site look like it was made a decade ago?  Unfortunately many website redesigns happen without thinking of the SEO...