10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

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About Digital Marketing strategies and other methods
to help your business grow.

Jan 31, 2012
DaBina Heng

The Web Doubled in Size during 2011

The Internet is a living, growing, dynamic web of websites and information. It more than doubled in size in 2011 reaching a size of over 582 million websites according to Netcraft who keeps track of...

Nov 8, 2011
DaBina Heng

5 Pricing Strategies That You Can Use To Improve Your Bottom Line

Pricing strategies are used to influence buying decisions. Pricing presentation is used to psychologically guide consumers and position products. 1. Left Digit Effect: Shoppers pay much more attention to the left most digits when comparing...

Jun 28, 2011
DaBina Heng

Why Do I Need a Website Anyway?

Don’t put up a website just to have one. You need a real business reason, or why spend the money? A website should be designed to help you reach your business goals. If you have...