10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

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Feb 24, 2013
Phillip Salinas

Faster Better Smarter Keywords That Really Attract Visitors

When people search on the web, they often qualify their general keywords to improve their search results. If people search for a home loan, they may search for ”best home loans”, “quick home loans” or...

Feb 17, 2013
Phillip Salinas

The Kona Coffee Method of Attracting Customers

I just returned from a terrific vacation from the Big Island of Hawaii. It is here in the Kona area, downwind of a continuously erupting volcano that Kona coffee is grown. The growing conditions are...

Feb 2, 2013
Phillip Salinas

Website Visitor Conversion is Like Hand Feeding a Wild Chipmunk

Have you ever tried to hand feed a wild chipmunk or blue jay? They are hungry and definitely want a piece of bread… but they are wary and it takes time and building trust before...