10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

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About Digital Marketing strategies and other methods
to help your business grow.

Jul 20, 2020
Rommel G

UX and SEO Best Practices

To have a great website (especially mobile), you will need to mix some UX and SEO best practices together to ensure optimal results. Let me start by explaining UX, then SEO. But, since you may...

Jul 13, 2020
Phillip Salinas

Google My Business: You Need It

Google My Business (GMB) is one of the best forms of advertisement you can get…for free.  It is the fastest, easiest, and free way to get viewed by customers. Here you will find out why you...

Jul 6, 2020
Rommel G

Wireframes 101: Wireframes for Beginners

This blog will help answer some of the questions you were wondering about wireframes. “What is a wireframe? “Why do I need one?” “How do I start?” “What do I need for it?” Here is...