10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

Website Maintenance

A website that is well-groomed ensures security, functionality,
and performance.

Build Great Experiences

A website is often the first touchpoint between a business and its potential customers. Ensuring that it is well-maintained through regular updates and secured hosting is crucial for creating a positive brand impression. An outdated, buggy, or insecure website reflects poorly on a company’s professional standards and attention to quality. It can dissuade visitors from further engagement and even prompt them to take their business elsewhere. However, keeping up with software and plugin updates, monitoring for emerging issues, and investing in robust hosting demonstrates a dedication to customers’ web experience. It tells visitors that a company cares about site functionality, communication effectiveness, and even visitor safety through data protection. This builds brand credibility and trust that pays dividends through higher conversion rates and customer retention. Maintaining the integrity of a company website through tech upkeep conveys reliability and competence, two qualities that drive business success and user experience.

Make the First Move

Maintenance Services starting at $50/month

By entrusting the hosting responsibilities to a professional service provider, you can focus on your core business activities without worrying about
server management, maintenance, and technical issues. Managed hosting offers various benefits such as improved website speed, reliable uptime,
enhanced security measures, and expert support. This proactive approach to hosting not only enhances the user experience but also contributes
to the overall success and credibility of your online presence. For your site to be secure and performing well, here is what you need.

  • 1 Managed WordPress Hosting

    We take care of all the technical aspects of running a WordPress site, such as server setup, security, updates, backups, and performance optimization

  • 2 Cloud Based Server

    This type of hosting allows storing and managing data on remote servers without the need for physical hardware on-site.

  • 3 Migration Service

    Website migration can be complex, so we will help you migrate your site from its current server location to the new platform.

  • 4 24/7 Security Monitoring

    Website security monitoring is a critical aspect of maintaining the security of your website.

  • 5 Daily Backups

    Daily backups allow us to easily restore your website to a previous working state if something goes wrong.

  • 6 Secure Offsite Backups

    By storing your website backups offsite, we ensure that your data is safe and accessible even in the event of a disaster or a security breach.

  • 7 Fast Website Restore (When Down)

    In the event of your website facing any downtime, you can trust that our team is committed to swiftly restoring it to full functionality.

  • 8 Active Malware Scanning

    Continuously monitor your website for any signs of malware, perform regular scans, and provide alerts if any malicious activity is detected.

  • 9 Server Hardening & Firewall

    Important security measures to protect servers from unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches.

  • 10 Uptime SLA – 99.999%

    This means that we guarantee your website will be available 99.999% of the time.

  • 11 2X/Mo Updates On Theme And Plugins

    Updates can include new features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and crucial security patches.

  • 12 Same-Day Support By Email Or Phone

    Whether you prefer to communicate via email or prefer the convenience of a phone call, web strive to provide efficient customer service to meet your needs.

  • 13 SSL

    It helps establish a secure and encrypted connection between a client and a server over the internet.

  • 14 Additional Tech Support $80/Hr

    This include troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, managing website security, and providing guidance and support for website-related questions and concerns.

  • 15 Regular QA

    The goal is to ensure that your website meets the desired quality standards and provides a seamless user experience.

  • 1 Managed WordPress Hosting

    We take care of all the technical aspects of running a WordPress site, such as server setup, security, updates, backups, and performance optimization

  • 2 Active Malware Scanning

    Continuously monitor your website for any signs of malware, perform regular scans, and provide alerts if any malicious activity is detected.

  • 3 2X/Mo Updates On Theme And Plugins

    Updates can include new features, bug fixes, performance improvements, and crucial security patches.

  • 4 Same-Day Support By Email Or Phone

    Whether you prefer to communicate via email or prefer the convenience of a phone call, web strive to provide efficient customer service to meet your needs.

  • 5 Additional Tech Support $80/Hr

    This include troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, managing website security, and providing guidance and support for website-related questions and concerns.

  • 6 Regular QA

    The goal is to ensure that your website meets the desired quality standards and provides a seamless user experience.

Achieve Checkmate

with a digital marketing strategy from Techna.

Make the First Move

Take Care of Your Website’s Health.

Your website serves as the digital heartbeat of your business, acting as the primary gateway through which you connect with your audience and potential customers. You establish a robust defense mechanism that shields your online presence from external and internal threats by dedicating yourself to regular updates, integrating essential security patches, and fine-tuning performance optimizations. This proactive approach safeguards sensitive customer data and preserves your reputation. A maintained website offers plenty of advantages for both you and your audience. The implementation of these practices results in faster load times and a seamlessly fluid user experience, which, in turn, significantly enhances user engagement, elevates search visibility and drives a steady influx of traffic from potential customers towards your business. Sure, it can be a lot to handle, but when you work with a caring expert in website maintenance, things are a lot easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1 Why is website maintenance important?

    Regular website maintenance is crucial because it helps ensure your online presence remains secure, up-to-date, and functioning properly at all times. Without consistent maintenance, your website becomes increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats like hacking attempts, malware infections, and data breaches – putting your business and customers at risk. Additionally, outdated software and plugins can cause compatibility issues, leading to broken features, errors, and a frustrating user experience. Neglecting maintenance also allows performance issues to creep in over time, resulting in slow load times, high bounce rates, and a negative impact on your search engine rankings. By prioritizing ongoing maintenance, you protect your investment, uphold your brand’s reputation, and provide a seamless, secure experience for visitors.

  • 2 What tasks are typically included in website maintenance?

    Comprehensive website maintenance encompasses a wide range of tasks designed to keep your site running smoothly and securely. This includes applying critical software updates for your content management system (CMS), themes, and plugins to patch security vulnerabilities and add new features. Regular security scans and the installation of security patches help fortify your defenses against emerging cyber threats. Performance optimization through caching, code minification, and database cleanups ensures fast load times. Routine backups create restorable copies in case of emergencies. Other important tasks include uptime monitoring, broken link checking, content audits to remove outdated/irrelevant information, and emergency support for prompt issue resolution.

  • 3 How often should maintenance be performed?

    The ideal frequency for website maintenance depends on the size, complexity, and traffic volume of your site. As a general guideline, basic maintenance tasks like software updates, security scans, and performance checks should be performed monthly. More comprehensive “deep-clean” style maintenance, including extensive audits, database optimizations, and thorough testing, is typically recommended 1-2 times per year. However, high-traffic sites, e-commerce portals, and those with complex integrations may require more frequent, rigorous maintenance to ensure optimal security and performance.

  • 4 What are the risks of not maintaining my website?

    Failing to invest in regular website maintenance exposes your business to a multitude of risks that can have severe consequences. Outdated software leaves gaping security holes, making your site an easy target for hackers looking to steal data, inject malware, or deface your pages. Without updates, functionality breaks as your CMS and plugins become incompatible with new browser/operating system versions. Site performance gradually degrades, resulting in slow load times that frustrate visitors and negatively impact search rankings. Broken links, outdated content, and design inconsistencies contribute to a poor user experience that damages your brand’s credibility. In extreme cases, complete site crashes can occur, leading to costly downtime and loss of revenue. Neglecting maintenance is a surefire way to allow your online presence to become unstable, insecure, and ineffective.

  • 5 Can I do website maintenance myself?

    While it is technically possible for most to maintain a website, those who are tech-savvy or have web development experience are better equipped to handle website maintenance themselves. However, it requires significant time, effort, and up-to-date knowledge. Maintenance tasks involve understanding complex code bases, staying informed about the latest security threats and software updates, and meticulously following best practices for optimization and backups. Even seemingly simple updates can have unintended consequences if not implemented correctly. For most businesses, entrusting website maintenance to experienced professionals is the wisest choice. This allows you to focus on your core operations while experts proactively manage the technical aspects of keeping your online presence secure, performing well, and functioning as intended.

  • 6 Can you provide maintenance services on any website?

    Though we are WordPress Experts and work primarily with WordPress websites, we can and will maintain your site even if it is on a different platform. Our monthly fees may be higher depending on the platform and type of website. We can also migrate the platform your current website is on to WordPress if that is something you would like to consider.

  • 7 How much does website maintenance cost?

    The cost of website hosting and maintenance can vary depending on several factors, such as the hosting provider, the type of hosting plan, the size and complexity of the website, and the level of maintenance required. At our company, we offer different plans to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Most clients opt for our $200/month plan, which provides them with the necessary support and maintenance services. However, for our larger clients with more complex websites and higher traffic volumes, often we offer the option of a dedicated server. This ensures optimal performance and reliability for their websites but does come with an additional cost. We understand that each client has unique requirements, and we strive to provide tailored solutions to meet their specific needs.

  • 8 How much does website hosting and maintenance cost?

    The cost of website hosting and maintenance can vary depending on several factors, such as the hosting provider, the type of hosting plan, the size and complexity of the website, and the level of maintenance required. At our company, we offer different plans to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Most clients opt for our $200/month plan, which provides them with the necessary support and maintenance services. However, for our larger clients with more complex websites and higher traffic volumes, we offer the option of a dedicated server. This ensures optimal performance and reliability for their websites but does come with an additional cost. We understand that each client has unique requirements, and we strive to provide tailored solutions to meet their specific needs.

  • 9 Are Hosting and Maintenance separate services?

    They can be. With Techna, the hosting fee you see includes the maintenance needed to keep the site running well. To do this, we provide 2x month website updates where we go into your site and update plugins that are due, check functionality, and ensure your website’s overall security and performance. Should we find anything that needs to be addressed, we take care of it on the backend, leaving you with peace of mind.

    We do have advanced maintenance plans, which include premium security tools and more frequent monitoring/updates.

Consider the Trio of Experience

Web hosting, ADA compliance, and web maintenance form a powerful trio that enhances a website's accessibility, security, and overall
user experience. By integrating these elements, businesses can foster an inclusive online presence, build trust with their audience, and
mitigate legal risks, positioning themselves as industry leaders in accessibility and inclusivity.