10 Common Digital Marketing Mistakes

Online Marketing Is the Way of the Future

Authored By: DaBina Donley

Online marketing, digital marketing and interactive advertising revenues are expected to grow to $62.4 Billion in the US by 2012 according to a forecast by The Kelsey Group. In the 2007, this was $22.5 Billion for the US. This represents a 21.3% annual growth rate.

Compare this with traditional advertising media such as Print Yellow Pages where advertising revenues are expected to decrease by 1.4% annually over the same period.

Forrester Research is projecting similar growth rates for digital advertising in their projections thru 2014. Forrester says interactive budgets will grow at the expense of traditional marketing. Sixty percent of respondents said they will grow digital budgets by shifting money away from other channels. Direct mail, newspaper ads, magazine ads, print yellow pages, radio ads, telemarketing and outdoor ads are all expected to decline while web marketing is expected to grow.

What categories are expected to grow the most? (Data from Forrester Research revenue estimates (US) for 2014)

  • Search Marketing : $31.6 Billion (15% annual growth)
  • Display Advertising: $16.9 Billion (17% annual growth)
  • Social Media Marketing: $3.1 Billion (34% annual growth)
  • Email Marketing: $2.1 Billion (11% annual growth)
  • Mobile Marketing: $1.3 Billion (27% annual growth)

Not surprising, search marketing will be the major marketing area that companies will be investing in to market their businesses online. This will be a combination of PPC advertising and Organic search engine optimization. Companies are moving their advertising dollars from traditional media to online marketing methods.

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